Σάββατο 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009

Α happy accident of nature

The thing is, so many brilliant men and women have delved into the "mysteries of humanity" and the reasons for its existence.

Our ability to have complex thoughts, ideas and IDEALS justifiably creates in us the right to think of ourselves as very special beings.

But are we?

If the meteor which caused the extinction of dinosaurs had not slammed into earth 200odd million years ago, it is highly unlikely that we would actually be here at all. What if we are just a happy accident of nature? What if a simple malfunction in our genome accidentally created something unexpected and, dare I say it, unnecessary in the vast natural reserve we were brought into and which we are systematically now destroying? Because let us face it: Nature did not intent for us to destroy it. Consequently it could only be by accident that we were created.

Along with our ability to think intelligently, there is no doubt in my own mind that our ability to feel compassion for complete strangers is a key characteristic in separating us from the rest of the animals. (Tenderness would have been another attribute I would have put forward, had it not been for a documentary I saw, in which a lioness adopted a young deer and looked after it with considerable tenderness, until a male lion ate it!)

So Friend Aki, Η πραγματικότητα που μας θέλει να έχουμε συνείδηση της ύπαρξης μας, εξακολουθεί να μας υποχρεώνει ν’ αναζητάμε τις απαντήσεις στα βασικά υπαρξιακά μας ερωτήματα, αφού παραμένουν τόσο αναπάντητα όσο ήταν και όταν πρωτογεννήθηκαν στην ανθρώπινη σκέψη.

Of course I may be wrong, but by considering our existence as anything else than an accident, we are giving ourselves too much credit and creating too much mysticism about the reasons of our existence, when we are in fact simply an accident! A wonderful accident with the ability to think logically and to have superior feelings, but still an accident of a wonderful nature whaich has proven its capacity to create strange and wonderful beings in the thousands.

I feel that I am be rubling incoherently and I will stop and wait for your comments before I go on. Otyherwise it will be like speading to myself and I do enough of that already :-)))


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